

Why Sponsorship Matters

As an NCNA Sponsor, your business or organization's support will help us fulfill our mission and make North Center a thriving community.  Your sponsorship will ensure that we are able to continue to develop meaningful events and resources for the community through:

  • SUPPORT: Provide assistance to NCNA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, which allows us the ability to hold neighborhood events that are specifically designed to engage neighbors and support local businesses.

  • EDUCATION: Provide information to all our neighbors about important items that pertain to the community such as safety, philanthropy, and the environment.

  • ADVOCACY:  Provide support for the North Center Community by being a core business that cares about the well-being and future of the neighborhood.

Sponsorship benefits

  • Reach your neighbors through exposure on our website, at events and on social media. We currently have more than 5,000  followers and sponsors receive benefits for a full year.
  • Support the work of NCNA and engage with the community in meaningful ways.
  • Showcase your business as one who cares about the community.  There are five sponsorship levels with increasing benefits so choose what is right for you.


Sponsorship Benefit Details Here

Become a Sponsor Today

Join us as we create exciting ways to bring neighbors together. Enjoy the many benefits and unique opportunities to promote your business to the community!

To sign up as a 2024-2025 sponsor with benefits throughout the year simply click on the button below. 

After you sign up, we will reach out to you to get your logo.  If you have questions about sponsorship or prefer to be invoiced you can contact us.


Thank You To Our Current Generous Sponsors

platinum sponsors



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