Compassion In Action


Overview & Mission

The Compassion in Action (CIA) committee was created to ensure the well-being of all neighbors through connecting, sharing and advocating.

first wednesday food drive

Through our partnership with Common Pantry, we work to organize and provide convenient drop off porches so that  neighbors so that neighbors can easily donate to those in need, each month (the first Wednesday). We've helped Common Pantry serve food and necessities to over 7,000 households. 


Volunteer snow brigade

Our Snow Brigade program is simple; we make sure those who need assistance during the cold winter months are taken care of. Elderly, disabled or injured neighbors can ask for help and easily be connected with those who are willing to volunteer their time to shovel or salt for them.


upcoming EVENTS & meetings

NCNA's CIA committee invites you to its annual planning meeting on Monday, January 13th, at 7:00 p.m. The CIA committee welcomes everyone interested in contributing to the well-being of our neighbors and neighborhood. If you would like to attend, please RSVP below and we will provide you with the meeting details and information on how to get involved with this community-focused committee! 

Interested in helping THE CIA committee?

Join one of our upcoming meetings or share your suggestions with us!

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