Save Your Ash

save your ash

Overview & Mission

Save Your Ash is an initiative sponsored by the North Center Neighbors Association and the Environmental committee. The goal of this program is to raise money in order to treat and save the Ash trees in North Center which have been impacted by the deadly emerald ash borer (EAB).

what is Save Your Ash?

North Center is full of ash trees. One look at the map below and it’s clear they are a huge part of our beautiful parkway tree canopies.

But unless we act now, all of our ash trees will die within a few years.

Our ash trees are under constant threat from a deadly pest known as the emerald ash borer (EAB), an invasive species that has decimated ash trees across 35 states. With treatments, we can stop the EAB from devouring the mature trees in our urban canopy and prevent further economic and environmental costs.

adopt a tree

A three-year treatment for one tree costs approximately $150. With a donation of this amount, families, businesses, and civic groups can Adopt a Tree. Each adopted tree will receive treatment, and the donor will be recognized with a metal tag displayed on the tree. You can elect to save a specific tree in front of your home or adopt your entire block. Be sure to provide details on the donation form.


it's easy to help!

Raise Awareness

  • Do an Earth Day project with your family.
  • Share our efforts on your social media, especially on Earth Day.

Volunteer Your Time

  • Email us if you are willing to help monitor and measure ash trees in North Center.


  • Adopt a tree to ensure it receives the necessary treatment. A metal tag will display donor messages. Families, businesses, and civic groups may want to honor someone or something special. You may also select a specific tree on the donation form.
  • All donations to NCNA’s Save Your Ash campaign are tax deductible.

learn more about EAB

Ash trees make up 30% of North Center’s tree canopy. Unfortunately, the City of Chicago stopped treating parkway ash trees in 2019 due to budget cuts. The last time trees in North Center were treated was in 2016 and 2017, so it’s likely many are already infected and slowly dying from the EAB.

With the affordable and effective treatment, our ash trees will receive three years of protection. Your efforts will help support our local tree canopy, which contains some trees that are over 50 years old.

While we continue advocacy for budget and policy change with the City of Chicago, the North Center Neighbors Association (NCNA) and many others are organizing treatments and a city-wide Save Your Ash fundraising campaign with the North River Commission. If the City does include these costs in its budget and is able to act this year, donations will go towards other environmental efforts by North Center.

Click here for the North Center Ash Tree Map.

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