Environmental Committee

environmental COMMITTEE

Overview & Mission

We work with our neighbors to promote eco-friendly options in our area – such as encouraging and facilitating recycling and reuse, working to limit excess and unnecessary paper usage, promoting environmentally safe gardening and pest control techniques, and increasing the use of low-emissions transportation opportunities. We also promote cleaner air and water in our neighborhood, as well as the use of green building products and green energy technologies in our neighborhood.


Ash trees make up 30% of North Center’s tree canopy and are under constant threat from a deadly pest known as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive species that has decimated ash trees across 35 states.

Join us in raising funds to treat our ash trees, preserve our urban canopy and prevent further economic and environmental costs.


the sustainability Market

The Sustainability Market is a yearly event, featuring more than 20 eco-minded retailers, artists and organizations focused on supporting sustainable lifestyles and enacting sound environmental policy.

The event is organized and co-hosted by Reduce Waste Chicago, formerly the NNA Recycling Pop-Up which is now a citywide program fiscally sponsored by NCNA.


We started our Recycling Pop-Up as a way for our North Center neighbors to responsibly reuse and recycle common household items. We never imagined it would grow to serve communities throughout Chicago. Now a fiscally sponsored program with a new name, Reduce Waste Chicago empowers residents to address climate change through waste reduction on a personal, producer and policy level

Interested in helping the environmental committee?

Join one of our upcoming meetings or share your suggestions with us!

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